
The stand of the workshop of the Shards in Luxepo The ‘Atelier des Eclats’ regularly participates in several events during the year.

Demonstrations in which: 

  • I expose personal objects restored with pictures before restoration.
  • I would be happy to meet with you to present my work, answer your questions, advise you on the different possibilities of restoring your objects or simply share a friendly moment with you.

Event Information:

  • Sun

    Salon Le Club Multicollections - 'Les Chasseurs d'Images' Mulhouse Alsace

    9h-17hParc des Expositions de Mulhouse - 120 rue Lefebvre


    De 9H à 17H le dimanche
    Organisé par Le Club Multicollections - 'Les Chasseurs d'Images' Mulhouse Alsace

    ☞ Entrée 4€.
    ☞ Parking gratuit.
    ☞ Buvette et restauration.

© 2017 - 2024 L'Atelier des Éclats